Building partnerships 
for stronger, more resilient communities.

Freedom Collaborative connects civil society organizations worldwide, facilitating cooperation, exchange of knowledge, and the expansion of effective models to prevent human trafficking, forced labor, and exploitation.

Our Mission

We exist to close the gap between current response efforts and real-world challenges.

Our work directly supports those on the frontlines by strengthening networks, building trust, and ensuring that successful strategies are recognized and replicated. We document critical needs and effective practices, gathering, analyzing, and sharing data to highlight key issues and guide more effective interventions.

By presenting the collective perspectives and expertise of civil society to funders, policymakers, and other key stakeholders, we provide critical insights that can lead to more informed and coordinated actions that make a difference on the ground.

Together, we work towards bridging intention and impact, ensuring protection for those who need it most.

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Facilitate access to peer support, expert knowledge and training

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updates across the sector

Gather and enhance access to 
data and available resources

Current Highlights and Updates

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Strengthening Cross-Sector Collaboration for Intelligence Sharing Helps Reduce Forced Criminality

Stakeholder partnerships have the potential to rapidly disrupt cyberscam operations, as recently demonstrated by a member of our Forced Criminality Response Working Group who monitors Chinese social media for instances of cybercrime.


Our Collaborative Initiatives

Our core work is to strengthen coordination and networks that directly support civil society organizations in connecting, sharing information, and collaborating effectively.
Global Project

Trafficking for Forced Criminality Response Working Group

With around 50 members, this closed working group—supported by USAID Cambodia CTIP—brings together organizations directly responding to trafficking for forced criminality into cyberscam compounds in Southeast Asia, along with other key stakeholders.

East and Horn of Africa Anti-Trafficking (EHAAT) Network

Hosted by our organization, the East and Horn of Africa Anti-Trafficking (EHAAT) Network includes over 100 diverse civil society organizations from Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, and Uganda. Launched in 2017 by the Better Migration Management Programme, funded by the EU and Germany, the network advances collaboration and expertise in migrant protection and counter-trafficking.
ThaI Initiative

Thailand Anti-Trafficking Community (TATC)

The Thailand Anti-Trafficking Community, as part of the USAID Thailand CTIP activity, consists of 20 local civil society organizations operating across the country. Conducted in Thai, the community focuses on peer learning, expert training, and coordination to address practical challenges and enhance organizational effectiveness.
Photo by Suthep Kritsanavarin for USAID Thailand CTIP

Our Global Reach and Partnerships

We are proud to connect with over 3,000 professionals and activists across 120 countries, and support hundreds of organizations in our regional initiatives across Eastern Africa and Southeast Asia.


Stay connected by joining our global community, and together we’ll create more impactful and lasting strategies to prevent exploitation.

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