East Africa’s anti-trafficking network strengthens its collaborative efforts

8 min read

At their 7th Regional Forum in July 2024, civil society organizations (CSOs) from the East and Horn of Africa Anti-Trafficking (EHAAT) Network set out long-term goals and agreed to build upon previous successes, aiming to ensure that EHAAT’s future efforts are both impactful and sustainable. Facilitated by Freedom Collaborative, EHAAT’s new hosting organization, the forum took place in Kenya with additional online participation.

During the discussions, three main priorities were identified: fostering alignment and mutual understanding among EHAAT’s diverse members to ensure cohesive and context-specific interventions; utilizing data and evidence to inform strategies and enhance the effectiveness of anti-trafficking efforts across the region; and strengthening the capabilities of all EHAAT members through knowledge sharing and best practices, ensuring a more resilient and effective network.

The East and Horn of Africa Anti-Trafficking (EHAAT) Network is a regional network of more than 100 civil society organizations (CSOs) dedicated to enhancing regional cooperation in the area of protecting migrants and victims of trafficking and prevention of human trafficking in the East and Horn of Africa region. It was initiated in 2017 by the Better Migration Management (BMM) Programme, funded by the European Union and Germany. The BMM Programme facilitated the 7th Forum and has been providing technical and financial support to the CSOs over the past years.

The network serves as a platform that enables these organizations to collaborate, share knowledge, and coordinate their efforts in addressing the complex challenges associated with trafficking and exploitation in the region. It brings together a diverse range of CSOs from Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda, including grassroots organizations, advocacy groups, and service providers with a wide range of expertise and perspectives on migrant protection and counter trafficking, from legal support and policy advocacy to direct assistance and the creation of public awareness campaigns.

During the forum, EHAAT’s members, with support from Freedom Collaborative, led joint workshops and engaged in open discussions to build consensus on the network’s core strengths, aligning its strategy closely with EHAAT’s core mission and vision.

These efforts also correspond with Freedom Collaborative’s mission to document and amplify the work of anti-trafficking CSOs worldwide, through the coordination of working groups, the facilitation of data sharing, and the publication of reports and thematic briefings, among other initiatives.

A working group discussion on economic empowerment during the forum, in which members shared best practices to create culturally sensitive and effective programs for survivors, offers an example of the way in which diverse perspectives can be harnessed by the network – by continuing to foster alignment among EHAAT’s members, it is hoped that collaboration and tailored responses across different regions will be enhanced. And a 2022 regional mapping report produced with data collected and recorded by more than 30 CSOs working in the area, organized with support from the BMM Programme and Freedom Collaborative, provides another success to build upon. The report offered fresh information on migration patterns in East Africa, demonstrating how collaboration can support positive outcomes – by utilizing accurate data to inform strategies and enhance the effectiveness of interventions, EHAAT hopes to drive targeted, evidence-based actions that address the root causes of trafficking. Meanwhile, regular CSO calls, which network members take turns to lead and host, and which provide a platform allowing members to share expertise, discuss challenges, and improve practices, were acknowledged as a way in which to strengthen the network’s overall capabilities, increase the skills and resilience of member organizations, and foster a more adaptive and coordinated response to challenges; by continuing this approach, EHAAT hope to carry on building a resilient, well-equipped network capable of responding to evolving challenges.

The participating EHAAT members also discussed the need for the ongoing commitment and engagement of member organizations, as well as increased resource mobilization to seek funds for initiatives, and partnerships with donors and other institutions. Freedom Collaborative will continue to assist EHAAT by establishing platforms for meetings, trainings, and knowledge exchange, and supporting its commitment to open communication and organizational sustainability.


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