Training at Imvepi Refugee Camp in Uganda and Annual Human Trafficking Conference in South Africa


The National Freedom Network (NFW), a South Africa based anti-trafficking network, has had a successful year with many activities supporting member organisations as well as building relationships with partners.

From the 13th - 15th November 2019, MeCAHT, Set Free Foundation and National Freedom Network, collaborated and ran a 3-day anti-trafficking conference that was hosted by Liberty Church Randburg. The Conference was a huge success and had delegates from the USA, UK, South Africa, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Malawi, Ghana and Swaziland.  There were also representatives from the Nigerian embassy, the US embassy as well as from the Department of Social Development, National Prosecutors Authority, Department of Justice and Constitutional Development, Survivors and representatives from Academia viz.  The Universities of South Africa, Western Cape, Free State, Witwatersrand, and Kwazulu Natal.