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Safe Migration in Central Asia

In this webinar, hosted in collaboration with the USAID Asia Counter Trafficking in Persons program implemented by Winrock International, we hear about ethnic groups in the Central Asian country of Kazakhstan, and how these communities support migrants from neighboring countries such as Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

The Central Asia (CA) region consists of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan with a population of about 72 million. Around 9-10 million Central Asians migrate due to economic and demographic factors, with main destination countries being Russia and Kazakhstan. Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan rank as two of the most remittance-dependent countries in the world. Like many other migrant groups around the world, labor migrants in Central Asia are facing immense challenges such as unemployment, inability to return to their home countries, and a lack of social or legal protection. 

During the webinar, you hear from the Chairman of Association of Uzbeks in Kazakhstan, the founder of Union of Migrants in Kyrgyzstan, and from a colleague at the USAID-funded Safe Migration in Central Asia project.


Altyngul Turaliyeva, Country Coordinator - Kazakhstan, USAID Safe Migration in Central Asia Project

Mr. Ikram Hashimzhanov, Chairman of Association of Uzbeks in Kazakhstan

Ms. Gulnara Derbisheva, Founder of Union of Migrants in Kyrgyzstan

Meder Dastanbekov (moderator), Country Coordinator – Kyrgyzstan, USAID Safe Migration in Central Asia Project

Full summary

Update from Altyngul Turaliyeva, Country Coordinator – Kazakhstan

Around 9-10 million citizens of Central Asia are migrants, most of whom migrate for economic reasons. Migrants from Turkmenistan migrate primarily to Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkey. Kazakhstan is the main destination country for migrants from Uzbekistan. Migrants from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan prefer to migrate to Russia because of the higher salaries they are able to earn there. Most migrants in the region are informally employed in construction, agriculture, and manufacturing and find their jobs through intermediaries.

Ethnic associations and unions are officially registered and exist throughout Central Asia. They play a key role in providing support and consultation to migrant workers to remedy problems with their employers, provide humanitarian assistance, and coordinate with local NGOs and consulates. There is a great level of trust among migrants towards the ethnic associations.

Due to COVID-19 hundreds of migrants have been stranded at the Russia-Kazakhstan and Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan borders. International organizations, local NGOs and the ethnic associations are providing support to these migrants. 

Update from Mr. Ikram Hashimzhanov, Chairman of Association of Uzbeks in Kazakhstan 

Uzbekistan migrants make up 3 % of the total population of Kazakhstan. Almost all Uzbekistan migrants live in the south of the country. Kazakhstan has a comprehensive system for the attraction of qualified foreign labor. Kazakhstan is also a member of the Eurasian Economic Union, which allows for citizens of member states to move freely within the union. There is huge flow of informal migration to Kazakhstan, also due to the in general positive attitude towards migrants, higher salaries and cultural similarity.

Migrants contact the Association of Uzbeks when they have issues at their work. Unfortunately, migrants must frequently deal with dishonest employers, that refuse to pay their full salary as agreed in the contract. Some employers take away migrants’ documents. The Association support all migrants in Kazakhstan in difficult situations, and have increased their support following the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. The Association of Uzbeks provided humanitarian assistance to 8000 migrants so far.

In July, the Association of Uzbeks in Kazakhstan signed a collaboration agreement with the Agency on Foreign Migration under the Ministry of Labor Relations. The collaboration they provide offers support and information for migrants on the legislation affecting migrants and procedures to follow for legal work in Kazakhstan, in particular in relation to temporary employment.  The Association of Uzbeks in Kazakhstan is financed by donations of local entrepreneurs through an annual nationwide fundraising campaign.

Ms. Gulnara Derbisheva, Founder of Union of Migrants in Kyrgyzstan

The Trade Union of Migrants was established in 2018, as migrants faced ongoing issues such as low or no payment of salaries, poor labor conditions and labor rights violations, discrimination, and lack of social protection. 

As of July 2020, the Trade Union has more than 6000 members and is entirely funded by membership fees. Every month the migrants contribute a certain amount, and this financing model allows the Union to deliver legal support and consultation at no additional cost for their members.

Trade Unions in Kyrgyzstan face a difficult situation due to new legislation to limit the activities of NGOs and activists in the country. Since 2019 a number of parliament packages attempted to amend the laws on trade unions to declare all their income. Reliable partnerships with unions in the destination countries is of particular importance.

In 2019, the Trade Union of Migrants held its first Congress; 100 delegates were present from around the country. At the Congress, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed with an independent Russian Trade Union (called Novoprof). The Trade Union of Migrants shares a database of migrant members for protection of labor rights of those who work in the RF with the Russian union partner. During 2019-2020, more than 4,500 migrants received help from the Russian partner. 

During and after the COVID-19 pandemic, the Trade Union of Migrants is focusing on continued assistance in the development of a sound national policy in the area of migration, building alliances with trade unions of receiving countries, trainings and information sessions for union members and direct help to migrants. 

Q&A from the audience 

Is there still any movement of ethnic Kazaks between Russia and China? Or between Kazakhstan and China?

In terms of migration, Kazakhstan prioritizes three areas: external migration, internal migration (within Kazakhstan) and migration of ethnic Kazakhs to Kazakhstan. These three focus areas can be found in Kazakhstan’s Migration Concept 2017-2021. In the 90s, Kazakhstan had extensive movement of ethnic Kazakhs, which has now slowed. Ethnic Kazakhs come to and from China, Mongolia, and Uzbekistan. There continues to be a wide range of issues related to ethnic migrants in Kazakhstan.

Do many migrants from CA move on to Western Europe? 

Mainly, qualified migrants from Kazakhstan migrate to Western Europe and Russia. However, this number is limited. Generally, Kazakhs migrate to Western Europe for educational purposes. 

Здравствуйте,есть ли статистика по помощи оказанной диаспорами мигрантам в КЗ? Особенно в предотвращении торговли людьми и помощи жертвам?

Не имеется официальная статистика по помощи мигрантам этническими группами. Каждая эническая ассоциация собирает свои данные у себя, к примеру во время КОВИД-19 Ассоциация кыргызов оказала поддержку более 300 мигрантам и их семьям.

How many Migrant workers from Kazakstan have been identified as TIP victim in 2019?

Officially, 44 persons were identified as TIP victims in 2019, however, it refers to both Kazakh nationals and migrants.

Is it common for migrants to use recruitment agencies to find jobs before migrating, or are informal brokers more common?

In Kazakhstan, there is no Association of recruitment agencies, they all work separately. Lately, Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, National Chamber of Entrepreneurs have been promoting the use of PEAs, attracting them – using their services through State employment agencies, however, it is still no success. The majority of migrant workers in Kazakhstan use intermediaries to find jobs in Kazakhstan and thus, become vulnerable to TIP.

How many migrants are estimated to be in Kazakhstan at this time?

It is estimated that between 1 200 000 – 1 500 000 migrant workers are present in Kazakhstan. In 2016, the number of registered migrants from CA countries at Kazakhstan’s Migration Service exceeded 1,265,000 people with over 1 million Uzbeks, 150,000 Kyrgyz, and slightly less than 50,000 Tajiks.

Does Turkmenistan admit migrant laborers?

Mainly labor migrants from Turkey used to work in Turkmenistan, until recently, when most Turkish companies closed their offices due to the financial crisis.

Приведите, пожалуйста, несколько конкретных примеров помощи Ассоциаций АНК мигрантам в период пандемии в марте-ииле 2020?

К примеру во время КОВИД-19 Ассоциация кыргызов оказала поддержку более 300 мигрантам и их семьям. Ассоциация узбеков в Казахстане оказывает поддержку мигрантам на казахско-узбекской границе в в иде продуктов. Ваша Ассоциация узбеков РК является членом АНК?Вы сказали, что подписали соглашение с Агентство по внешней труд миграции в РУЗ. Удалось ли наладить въезд трудовых мигрантов из Узбекистана в РК на сезонные работы 2020 года, Да, ассоциация узбеков является членом АНК. И соглашение было подписано 7 июля 2020 года – сейчас работа ведется в том направлении.

What type of protection services have been provided to the mentioned TIP victims? 

The state provides shelters to national TIP victims – there are six types of assistance (medical, legal, psychological, educational and etc). However, foreign TIP victims are not addressed. Mainly, IOM supports them through direct assistance. 

Additional Questions addressed to Ms. Gulnara Derbisheva, Founder of Union of Migrants in Kyrgyzstan? 

Откуда осуществляется онлайн помощь и консультации мигрантам - из Москвы, Бишкека? Есть ли профсоюз киргизских труд.мигрантов в Алматы, его контакты? Вы упомянули диапоральные организации в Е-бурге и Н-ске: это мигрантские диаспоральные орг-ци или это кыргызы-граждане РФ?

Answer: Информационная помощь на первом этапе осуществляется из Кыргызстана. Юристы Профсоюза на русском и кыргызском языке консультируют членов. Если ситуация требует физического вмешательства в стране приема, то на помощь идет российский партнер Новопроф, работает механизм перенаправления. В Екатеринбурге и в Новосибирске мы работаем с диаспоральными организациями. Они зарегистрированы в органах юстиции РФ. Например «Кыргызстан- Урал» в Екатеринбурге - это кыргызская диаспора на Урале. 

Уточняю: это организации из числа МИГРАНТСКИХ диаспор или киргизских этнических диаспор - граждан России?

В диаспоральных организациях есть как граждане Кыргызстана, так и граждане РФ. Граждане РФ редко обращаются к нам за помощью. В основном обращаются члены диаспор, только что прибывших в Россию и имеющих кыргызское гражданство.

К сожалению, у нас нет партнера из числа профсоюзной организации в Казахстане. Как вы знаете, в Казахстане идет беспрецедентное давление на профсоюзы. Лидеров задерживают и арестовывают. На этом фоне, нам пока тяжело найти партнера в Казахстане.

Are you coordinating with any international organization such as the Solidarity Center for collaborating with trade unions? Вы координируете с международными организациями, например Центр Солидарности для сотрудничество с профсоюзами?

Да, Центр Солидарности оказал нам огромную консультационную помощь при создании и регистрации прлфсоюза. Также, они обучают наших активистов профсоюзному органайзингу и помогают проводить тренинги для первичных ячеек Профсоюза Мигрантов.